While we may hear people say “I’m addicted to food” often, identifying yourself as a true food addict is something that not a lot of people can really understand. It’s a little different from other addictions. Us food addicts can never give up our addiction. We do not get a “sober date” to celebrate. We simple have to learn to develop a different relationship with something that is essential for our survival but also on somedays our worst enemy. I've struggled with food addiction and body image issues for years. Having dealt with grief and loss at an early age, food quickly became a coping mechanism for me. Addict2Athlete has provided me a place to be open and honest with myself and others, in a judgement free environment, to help me overcome struggles with both food and body image. Addict2Athlete has a played a vital role in assisting me to develop a healthy mindset to maintain a happy healthy lifestyle. I love to surround myself with support and encouragement from individuals who may not understand my exact struggles but can relate to them on their own levels and share the passion to continuously grow and self-improve.

My addiction started in my late teenage years. The hardest thing i never came to understand is how easily and willingly I said yes. What began as a simple choice to be socially accepted quickly turned into a prison of my own destruction. I began using meth and committing crime. In time my addiction took a directional turn and I began shooting up heroine every day, all day. I gave up my friends, my family and even myself. Morals were out the window and being high was my only priority. Eventually, and quicker that I wanted, the high was gone and I was left just trying to stay well. At my darkest hour I agreed to treatment and after grueling withdrawals and ten days in rehab I was sent home to continue my journey. Then, after years into my sobriety I was brought back once again into a dark place in life. This time it was not by my own addiction but by the addiction and toxic relationship of my spouse. It was at this weak moment that I realized abstinence isn’t recovery. Before giving myself the opportunity to fall I found Rob and Sheena at Addicts to Athletes. From the moment I walked in I knew that this was going to save not only my recovery but my life. I had an amazing support system to hold me accountable to the standards I had set for myself. I could be completely transparent and work through the confusion and hurt that had been pulling me down. I learned to physically push myself and achieve what I never imagined to be possible. But, in spite of all the positive things I've said, the biggest change I have gained from Addicts to Athletes is the respect and value for myself that I never believed I deserved. There is no other place or program that I would have rather inserted myself into and now after almost 8 years of recovery I can finally give back what I have gained.

In my addiction, it always felt like there was something missing. I could never put my finger on it, and no matter what I did or how many drugs I took, it was still missing. When I was clean and found A2A (CrossFit/fitness) I realized that the program gave me the opportunity to have what I was lacking all along; structure, balance, education, support and accountability. The things I learned physically, mentally and emotionally from Addict2Athlete is ingrained in all aspects of my everyday life, and I am more and more successful because I apply what the program has to offer. Todd is an Access Specialist with LEAD program at Crossroads’ Turning Points, Inc. and a volunteer coach at Addict2Athlete

I’ve been with A2A for just under 2 years, and it has totally changed my life. I’ve used drugs and alcohol for a number of years and have tried a number of programs, nothing has worked. I’ve even done programs while I was in prison; still nothing. I was introduced to the Addict 2 Athlete program after a DWI and it just clicked for me. I participated in the 8-week curriculum driven class, and the workouts that totally kicked my a##. It is exactly what I needed to put me on a successful road to my sobriety. I now have 2 years of sobriety and am now employed by Albuquerque Center of Hope and Recovery as a Peer Support worker. I am able to Coach the A2A program here in Albuquerque.... This program saved my life. If I could do it anyone can do it.. # BEASTMODE